My name is John Raffaelli, and I am acting on behalf of FutecNZ Limited to either sell FutecNZ Limited including all its Abzorba Skincare Technologies as a whole or, alternatively, to sell individual licences for one or more of its Abzorba Skincare Technology end products to one or more territories.
On 27th July of this year, we commissioned a PR Newswire Press Release to advertise the sale of our plant-oil-based skincare technology business. A copy of the press release can be found on our FutecNZ website https://futecnz.com/news/
Since we previously tried to sell our plant oil-based skincare business, the world has changed. Covid-19 restrictions have been either eased or dropped in most counties and climate change has had a significant impact on global weather patterns.
Global warming and the associated climate change is now the number one issue for many countries and can no longer be ignored. More people than ever are now looking for and seeking out more environmentally friendly products to help reduce the effects of climate change. Manufacturers of skin care products are either starting to meet those demands by taking up the challenge of reducing the amount of water they are using in their production and reviewing product ingredients to remove any potentially harmful substances, or they are starting to make plans on how they are going to make these changes.
FutecNZ can help you to meet this challenge as all our products are plant oil-based and 100% water free. This means they are absorbed into the skin rather than painted onto it as emulsion-based products are. This has the added benefit that they cannot be washed or wiped off, meaning that, for most people, they are once-per-day application products. This is especially true of our SPF50 sunscreen, a convenient product for people who are looking for something that is easy to use, that does not need to be applied in large quantities many times a day, and does not contaminate the environment. While it is true that this will reduce the volume of product that you can sell, it is also true that consumers would rather pay more for a convenient product that actually works.
We have also demonstrated our products at Market Days and found the switch from emulsion-based products to plant oil-based products is exceptionally quick. When potential buyers have actually tried our products to see how well they work and feel, they are rapidly sold to our convenient once-per-day application plant oil-based technology, as it far outweighs any potential pricing issues when compared to “slip-slap-slop” emulsion-based products which are thickly painted onto the skin.
Our plant oil-based sunscreen is a true SPF50 sunscreen in that it lasts at least 50 times a person’s normal burn time and so, for most people, it only requires one application per day. Additionally, because it is plant oil-based “a little goes a long way.” None of our products, including our sunscreen, are “slip-slap-slop” products. This appeals to most people as many have concerns about the ingredients used in other products and the quantity that they have to use for them to actually work.
What is more, while our products have been tested to be non-allergenic, we have yet to receive one complaint about either a human or animal reaction to any of our products. In fact, to date, we have had only positive responses from people with skin allergies who have used our products to the extent they have even purchased additional products from our range.
We currently sell all our products under the One24 brand and our top-5 selling products in order of sales are our Sunscreen SPF50, Moisturiser + SPF, Cat & Dog Healer, Wound Healer and Barrier Cream. For a full list of the products that we are currently selling please go to our online store https://one24.co.nz/shop/ It should be noted that we will soon be adding our Diabetic Wound Healer back to our list of products. It was temporarily removed due to the lack of supply of a key ingredient, a situation which has now been rectified.
If you would like any further information, please feel free to contact myself at your earliest convenience on +64 21 625-871 or john@futecnz.com
Kind regards
John Raffaelli